Alfred P. Sloan Foundation renews BioBE funding!

Dr. Van Den Wymelenberg, Biology and the Built Environment Center PI and Co-Director, is excited to announce that the Center has secured another two years of funding from The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and their Microbiology of the Built Environment (MoBE) program. ...
So long, summer!

So long, summer!

Written by Hannah Wilson The beginning of my summer was dedicated to moving the BioBE center’s molecular biology lab to a new location on campus. I dedicated the next part of my summer to finishing the DNA extractions for ~350 swab samples collected from cohort 2 of...

Report from the Mycological Society

In July, one of our own, Dr. Roo Vandegrift, went to the annual Mycological Society of America (MSA) meeting, held just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, in the college town of Athens. He went to learn what others in the field are up to, and present work from the BioBE...
Dr. Sue Ishaq joins the BioBE team!

Dr. Sue Ishaq joins the BioBE team!

Hello, readers! I’m Dr. Sue Ishaq, the newest Research Assistant Professor hire in the BioBE center at the University of Oregon.  I’ve been at the center for two weeks now, and I thought I’d introduce myself as I’ll soon be a regular...