Stop Motion Science: The Light Box Video

Written by Mira Zimmerman and Fiona Curliss At BioBE, we strive to produce scientific research that is clear and understandable to any audience, not only for interdisciplinary collaboration, but also for scientific education. Those unfamiliar with the language and...

Tour of the Baker Lighting Lab

BioBE researchers spend quite a bit of time writing grant proposals.  In particular, over the last few months I (Sue Ishaq) have been co-writing proposals which expand our understanding of indoor lighting on human health and behavior, the indoor microbiome, and energy...

Participate in a research survey online

Looking to participate in research?  Amir Nezamdoost, a graduate research fellow in Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory, is collecting survey data for his PhD dissertation.  Amir’s dissertation is about developing a rating system to score the quality of...
Dr. Sue Ishaq joins the BioBE team!

Dr. Sue Ishaq joins the BioBE team!

Hello, readers! I’m Dr. Sue Ishaq, the newest Research Assistant Professor hire in the BioBE center at the University of Oregon.  I’ve been at the center for two weeks now, and I thought I’d introduce myself as I’ll soon be a regular...