by Adam Altrichter | Mar 17, 2014 | News
An editorial in the journal Indoor Air from Jessica Green is out today. Jessica describes her vision for incorporating biological insight into architectural design decisions, what she calls “bioinformed design”. In the article, she lays out the arguments...
by Adam Altrichter | Sep 5, 2013 | Media
Jessica recently paid a visit to the folks at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to talk about how we can utilize our growing understanding of the built environment microbiome to build healthier, more sustainable buildings. Watch her “What’s Next...
by Adam Altrichter | Apr 26, 2013 | Meetings
The webcast on “Making the Human Health Connection: Healthy Buildings, Healthy People and Healthy Communities” on April 23rd was stimulating and informative. Highlights included: Judith Heerwagen’s comment that perhaps buildings should be designed...
by Adam Altrichter | Apr 3, 2013 | Media
Jessica Green’s most recent TED talk is now available — she talks about how our current building design is unconsciously designing the built environment microbiome. With some great data visualizations from a collaboration with Autodesk she discusses using...
by Adam Altrichter | Nov 12, 2012 | News
A recent post from The Nature of Cities discusses a case study in Cities and Biodiversity Outlook: Action and Policy, 2012. The study reports that increasing trends in childhood asthma rates are correlated with the density of urban street trees. The report says:...