Publication on the urban microbiome

Dr. Gwynne Mhuireach published one of the chapters from her dissertation, on evaluating bacteria found in air from vegetated or paved areas in an urban setting! Mhuireach, G.Á., Betancourt-Román, C.M., Green, J.L., Johnson B.R. 2019. Spatiotemporal controls on the...

A Tale of Two Cohorts

Sequence data contamination from biological or digital sources can obscure true results and falsely raise one’s hopes.  Contamination is a persist issue in microbial ecology, and each experiment faces unique challenges from a myriad of sources, which I...

New publication on daylight and dust communities!

We are pleased to announce that our latest publication is now available! Daylight exposure modulates bacterial communities associated with household dust Ashkaan K. Fahimipour , Erica M. Hartmann, Andrew Siemens, Jeff Kline, David A. Levin, Hannah Wilson, Clarisse M....

Design Champs: Daylight and Microbes

This week, BioBE held the third session of our “Design Champions” webinar series, which we have been developing over the last few months as a means of actively communicating our work with industry professionals.  Design Champs brings together a small...