by sueishaq | Nov 8, 2018 | Informative
Sequence data contamination from biological or digital sources can obscure true results and falsely raise one’s hopes. Contamination is a persist issue in microbial ecology, and each experiment faces unique challenges from a myriad of sources, which I...
by sueishaq | Jul 5, 2018 | Informative
To study DNA or RNA, there are a number of “wet-lab” (laboratory) and “dry-lab” (analysis) steps which are required to access the genetic code from inside cells, polish it to a high-sheen such that the delicate technology we rely on can use it,...
by sueishaq | Apr 9, 2018 | News
Mitch Rezzonico, who recently obtained his baccalaureate from the University of Oregon in 2017, has been learning bioinformatics with Dr. Sue Ishaq in the BioBE lab since last summer, in order to gain hands-on experience in preparation for a career in bioinformatics...